July Campus Update

Campus Update for July

I had to sign and date a form today and quickly had to scratch out the “6” and make it a “7”. Just like that, June was over! But we made some awesome memories in that month!

Our amazing friends from Whiteland Church of Christ (Indiana) came and worked hard on various projects around campus. They also took us all out for a fun Saturday with pizza and a movie! They have made that part of their trip for several years and we are so very thankful for the entire congregation for allowing us to have such an awesome day out!

We welcomed a brand new group from Green Valley (Indiana). What a fun group! They helped with some work down at the barn, yard work, and other various projects during some major heat wave days. What a great group of positive, hardworking kids (and adults!).

The other group we were able to spend time with last month was from Greenfield, Indiana. Typically, this group makes the journey during the winter, and usually during some major snow storm. So this year, they changed it up and came in June….and managed to come on one of the hottest days of the year, thus far. My question, “which is worse, fighting the snow storms or working in the heat?”. Jury’s still out, but either way, we always appreciate their visit to campus. They brought some great gifts for the homes, helping us cross off some of our houseparent’s “Wish List” items.

Besides groups, we had our Annual Golf Tournament in June. The rain and storms that were predicted and ALL around us, stayed away. We prayed for a BUBBLE around the golf course as the stormy weather was less than 10 miles away. And God provided a beautiful day with not a single drop of rain. So thankful for that and for the opportunity to spend time with my favorite golfers as we raised money for the children and families of Shults-Lewis!

As our new Executive Director, Angela Robertson, is settling into to her role, we are excited about the future of Shults-Lewis. However, to continue our ministry, we NEED STAFF! We need a clinical therapist!!! Right now, our Program Director is having to handle all things program related, as well as do the individual counseling and family therapy. Share the word that we need a clinical therapist, please!

We also need houseparents. We do have a new couple who will be joining us this month and we are extremely excited to work with them. However, as they arrive, the Franklins will be leaving (They are headed to Preaching School!). We would like to hire TWO more sets of houseparents. Who will you tell today about our need for a therapist and houseparents?

Thank you for being a part of our community. You are making a difference in the lives of children and families!

For the children,

Beth Frump, Director of Development