Entries by Kiana Baldwin

January Campus Update

We are excited to share that we have added a new calming room at the school for the children we serve.  The calming room is a place for our residents to decompress.   Children can de-stress in our tent or bean bag chairs.  The room is equipped with stress balls, large Jenga game, puzzles, Legos, mp3 […]

August Campus Update

In August, we said goodbye to the Zandstra family and welcomed Fred & Kim Lucas as houseparents for our boys’ home.  The Lucas’s returned back to Shults-Lewis after a 2 year stint away.  Fred is teaching Science and Math at the school. Kim brings her creativity to campus, which the kids enjoy.  David Warren, our […]

July Campus Update

In July, our staff and residents attended Brynne (age 12) & Brighton (age 9) Vermillion’s birthday party in Genoa, Illinois. Brynne and Brighton requested that donations be made to Shults-Lewis in lieu of presents. They sacrificed presents from their friends in order to support the kids at Shults-Lewis. What an awesome act of kindness and […]

May/June Update

In May, our staff and residents attended an end of the school year celebration with box tickets to the Railcats game courtesy of Mike and Jenn Zandstra.  For some of the residents, it was the first time to a baseball game.  Everyone enjoyed hamburgers and hotdogs at the game. Lots of screams and laughter were […]

March Campus Update

The first two months of the year have been busy at Shults-Lewis! In the months of January and February we welcomed lots of new staff members! Stephanie Balcerak stepped up to the task of balancing the work load of Director of Development and Finance! We are so grateful for her endless supply of energy and […]

December Campus Update

We ask you to pray for Hannah Baldwin, Joy Smith, and Jenn Swartz as they have all moved on to different chapters in their lives.  We welcome Tammy Warren, Director of Operations, to the team! I know I keep asking you all to pray, but that’s what this ministry is all about.  Not only do […]

November Campus Update

THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!! SHULTS-LEWIS HAS HIRED A NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR!! We cannot thank you all enough for your persistence in prayer for a new Executive Director. Johnnie Coley was hired September 1st. Johnnie came from Mt. Dora, Florida just in time to be a part of Annual Day. Johnnie has hit the ground […]

June 2022 Campus Update

Hoping you all are enjoying the start of summer. Our school closed out the year with a mini “Strengths Luncheon” to honor our kids with a STRENGTH that the staff sees most in them. We enjoyed a Mexican themed lunch and fellowship as we encouraged and honored our kids. During this past month, we also […]

May 2022 Campus Update

Hello everyone! It is so exciting to be able to have time to do the job I was hired on to do and finally send out a campus update.  The last 4 months have been the most difficult that I have had in a long time. Since the Smiths had to step out of […]

November Campus Update

The staff and kids had an absolute blast this last month, especially during our fall festivities during Spirit Week.  Our Principal, Vickie Terhune, had a week of fun ready for everyone which included hat day, bad hair day, nerd day, hoodie day, and costumes.  Most of the staff joined in and we had a lot […]